Welcome to Our New Executive Director!


Former board member, Chaya Harris, steps into the Executive Director role to help Elevate Youth keep soaring to new heights. 

“I’m so proud of the work that Elevate Youth staff delivers and I’m honored to lead the team,” says Chaya, who served on the Elevate Youth board for almost three years. Chaya brings compassion, problem solving and adaptability to the team, which she’s learned from her professional and outdoor experiences through the years. “I especially look forward to diving into Camp Elevate this summer, magnifying our Odyssey and Leaders programs, and furthering opportunities for young people to connect with nature.” 

“I could not be more excited to see the continued growth of Elevate Youth’s impact under the leadership of Chaya – she brings such a wealth of programmatic experience and her passion to make a difference is undeniable,” said Alec Griswold, Founder and outgoing Executive Director. Griswold’s involvement will continue as a board member and offer support to Harris through the leadership transition.

As a board member, Chaya engaged with Elevate Youth staff to reach more than 200 youth through outdoor recreation trips and out-of-school time enrichment.  “When you see a child persevere through a challenging activity like mountain biking or surfing, and then they smile - it’s the type of organization that I wish I had growing up.” 

Chaya, who is from Dorchester, is an educator, adventurer and leader passionate about access to nature and high-quality experiences in the outdoors. She most recently served as the National Program Director at Outdoor Afro, where she supported a team of 105 volunteers across the country in hosting monthly recreational events with a focus on wellness in the Black community, collaborated with partners on unique projects, and assisted with communications and storytelling. 

As the Director of Curriculum and Instruction at Thompson Island Outward Bound, Chaya worked closely with Boston Public School staff to help facilitate hands-on adventures in Boston Harbor, including overnight programs that combined academic learning with social-emotional development through ropes courses. 

Prior to working at nonprofits, Chaya was an educator in Boston Public Schools for a decade. She taught grade 5 at Mather Elementary, working with students with disabilities and students learning English as a second language throughout her career. She later joined the Lynch Leadership Academy at Boston College and served as a Principal Fellow at the Mendell Elementary School under former Principal Julia Bott.

In addition to the passion she feels about our mission, Chaya loves to be in nature. She is an enthusiastic kayaker and reluctant backpacker - she loves simple nature walks around places like Ponkapoag Pond. “I can’t wait to see you outside!”

Feel free to reach out to Chaya using Chaya@Elevateyouth.org.