Welcome to the Boston Bonanza Fishing Tourney '25, where passion for fishing meets support for Elevate Youth!


Cast your line and make a difference! The 2nd Annual 2025 Boston Bonanza Virtual Fishing Tournament supports Elevate Youth's FishOn! program, bringing the thrill of fishing to underserved kids in the Greater Boston area.  Elevate Youth's provide free, fully-equipped fishing trips to local ponds and lakes, complete with transportation, gear, food, and instruction.  It's more than just fishing; it's an educational adventure fostering conservation awareness and ecological understanding.  In the last two seasons, we have hosted 35 trips that introduced over 300 kids to the sport, thanks to partnerships with Boston Trout Unlimited, Friends of Blue Hills, MA Fish and Wildlife and Department CR. Join us for the 2025 Boston Bonanza and help Elevate Youth continue to provide unforgettable experiences that empower kids and connect them with nature.  Your support casts a wide net of positive impact.



Tournament Format:


The Boston Bonanza Fishing Tourney '25 is a catch-and-release virtual tournament between May 26th and September 12th. Anglers of all skill levels are encouraged to participate in this fun, community-focused tournament.  Share your catches with us via photo submission! Submissions require only a picture.

Entry Fee: $65.00
Best in Class

There will be 1st, 2nd, 3rd best in class BlackBass (largemouth or Smallmouth) or one striped bass.

Weekly Challenges:

Beyond the best in class, we will host weekly challenges with smaller prizes. Winners will be chosen out of a hat by our students or by student vote. Challenges will run from Wednesday to Wednesday, with announcements posted every Tuesday via email and social media.  Participants can submit entries to weekly challenges by tagging @bostonbonanza and @Elevateyouth or by email.

Some challenges examples to look out for :

  • Help a youth angler catch a fish.

  • Catch any fish at sunrise or sunset.

  • Catch any fish using live bait (worm, mealworm, shiner, mackerel etc).

  • Catch any fish with the city of Boston in the background (e.g., Pier, Jamaica Pond, or the Brooklyn Reservoir Charles River).

  • Catch the most colorful fish (Judged by students votes)

    * For weekly challenges don’t forget to have the 2025 measuring board somewhere in the picture, or have a corresponding picture of the same fish on the board.

  • Tournament Rules:

    - A valid Massachusetts Fresh and/or Saltwater fishing license is required.

    - The tournament follows a Catch & Release format. However, fish can be kept for personal use in accordance with Massachusetts guidelines.

    - Freshwater fishing must be in public Massachusetts waters, and saltwater fishing must be from shore or accessed from a boat ramp within Massachusetts.

    - Rod & reel fishing only is allowed.

    Best in Class Submissions:

    -Best in class Submissions must be in digital format on Google, submitted by the deadline.

    - During the measuring of the fish, no part of the head or tail should be covered.

    -Photos must be taken with the provided measuring tape.

    - The date, time, and location for each fish caught must be included in the submission.

    Weekly challanges:
    - Run from Wednesday to Wednesday, with announcements posted every Tuesday via email and social media. 

    - Fish for Weekly challenges don’t have to measured on measuring board but it has to be somewhere in the picture, or have a corresponding picture of the same fish on the board.
    (Example: catch fish with a buddy fishing challange. One person can hold a fish and the other can't hold the board. Or you could have one picture of the fish on the board and one picture of you and your body holding the fish..)

    -Participants can submit entries to weekly challenges by tagging @bostonbonanza and @Elevateyouth or by email.

  • All registered participants will receive a Captain’s bag, which includes a measuring tape, an event shirt, sticker, and a free ticket to the awards ceremony (with food included).

    Boston Bonanza Tournament winners will receive prizes and items from the following brands: TBD

  • Registration deadline: Rolling deadline

    Tournament Start: May 26th

    Tournament End: September th, 16th

    Best in class prizes: Will be awarded at the Elevate games at Cisco Brewery September 18thDescription text goes here


Questions: Waddy@elevateyouth.org